Monday, December 31, 2012

The story of Aron: Part 1

As I said in my prior post, here is a summary of what I am writing for my novel.  It is a fantasy genre centralized on a young commoner named Aron.  Not 'Air-in', it's 'Ar-un'.  He had a harsh childhood experience when a tribe of monsters came and slaughter a village he was born in.  His parents died and he was one of a few that survived the onslaught.  He was then adopted by a man named Cordon, a cruel, lazy man who puts Aron up with mundane, trivial chores and rewards him by spreading gossip in the village he now resides in and sometimes beats him just for the humor of it.  Everyday, Aron dreams of the time when he is old enough he could leave this biased village behind for something better while containing his urge to slit Cordon's throat.  But at the same time, he doesn't want to leave his only friend, Nalmora.  A girl who showed kindness to him while others spat at him.  He has other feelings for her, but restrains them so as to not threaten their kindled friendships.

One day, after the final straw with his guardian, he sneaks out to escape from all the troubles when just as he was almost a mile away he smelt smoke.  He finds that the village is burning down.  Worrying for Nalmora's safety, he rushes back to find her and if possible, rescue her.  Much to his horror, he finds that it was being attacked by the same kind of monsters that killed his family ten years ago.  He has no feelings of vengeance, but of fear as he tries to evade them searching for Nalmora.  In a confrontation with one of these monsters (They're called Urabakun) he picks ups a short sword from one of the dead villagers to desperately defend himself.  He's had no training in fighting at all, but when the Urabakun comes in to attack, Aron's body moved swiftly and quickly defeated it with absolute no control of his movements whatsoever.

I'll pause there for a moment for explanation.  For starters, Aron's unnatural abilities are not done by magic or of any unearthly powers.  It is actually medical.  If I knew what the actual term of it is, I'd share it, but I only have the knowledge of it.  I don't want to spoil too much of it, so I will explain it like this.  If his body comes within contact of any bladed weapon, his body goes beyond Aron's control and moves as if he was trained to fight.  I've stated already that Aron does not know how to fight.  I know how this is done, but am not willing share his dark secret.  A secret not even Aron knows but will learn of it in later books.

Back with the story.  Aron fights a couple more Urabakun but is then found trapped inside the house of where Nalmora resides and it is burning down.  Obviously, she is not there and suffocation is all but certain for Aron until he is saved by an unlikely person.  An associate of the Silent Knife.  An assassin.  The assassin, Baltas, leads Aron out into safety beyond the village borders.  Aron is wary of the associate and his purpose in the village but Baltas restrains such information and points him to venture to the lake town of Beorsim.

I'll stop here for now as I get the feeling that many of you have left and don't want to read anymore.  If you have gotten to this point, thank you for your patience.  I'll have more of the story on the way as this is only the beginning of my book, but in later posts.  

Sunday, December 30, 2012

And so it begins...

First time blogger, first time post.  Scary.  Especially when everyone else is a pro at what they do.  I was intimidated at first at all the option, the unlimited potential to take everything I know and believe and share them for all of you to hate.  Maybe, not really.  Regardless, I am open minded to anything.

I am currently in the process of writing a novel, but at the moment I am in a deadlock in how I will ever move on with this and finally start submitting to publishers.  Hopefully, by posting my thoughts and ideas I can move on from that hurdle.  Now I can just hear all of you just asking "well what are you writing?" and "what is it about?".  For now, all I will say is that it is a fantasy comprising of now 200 pages...of notebook paper.  I doubt if I were to write it on Microsoft Word, I would barely exceed 140.  But if you would like to know more about it, stay tuned because I may tell you in later posts or post an excerpt of the story for your criticism.  If I do, I want to know what I'm doing wrong and how I can fix it.  Seriously, I am getting frustrated of people saying that it's good.  Aaugh!

More of me, I have a deep fascination of swords, the culture in which they've been in, and the style of them.  I see them as pieces of art and tools, not killing weapons.  I've been that way ever since I was a young kid and to this day as I craft eloquent swords of wood.  But like any artist, they never like the outcome result.  I always see flaws in my craft where most others see something beautiful.  You know how it is.

People are interesting individuals.  I'm always watching everyone around, listening to their conversations, taking notice of their choice of words, and in the end of it all, I find myself making theories as to why they make the decisions that they do.  No, I do not stalk anyone!  I am a silent listener.  Talking has never been a strong social quality of mine so I've learned to listen so that I can know more about them.  Everyone is different as far a what they interpret in others,  their reactions, and ultimately their psych.

At the moment, that's about all I can think about me, but as you follow, you may learn something different about me in your unique interpretation and perhaps change your perceptions on everything around you.  I wouldn't count on it, but always be open minded to everything.